indoor kids town experience

Kids Town classrooms will be open during morning worship service.

babies and toddlers:

  • Babies and toddlers may be dropped off before service begins after checking in at the Kids Town desk in the foyer.

Preschool, elementary, friendship class (prek-5th grade)

  • After checking in at the Kids Town desk in the foyer, children will go with their parents into the sanctuary for Family Worship.

  • Children will be dismissed to go to the Village during pastoral prayer.

  • After the service, parents can pick up at the Village.

The Market

  • The mini market will be open at the Kids Town Check-In Desk in the foyer after the service.

online kids town Events and Updates

  • You can click the button below to be directed to our Light and Life Parents Facebook page .


Welcome to Light and Life’s Ministry for Kids! Our mission is to partner with parents in raising their kids to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. We have a lot of programs to choose from and hope you’ll bring your kids and join us. 


Babies: Birth - 17 months

Toddlers: 18 months - 2 years

Preschool: 3 years - Pre-K

Elementary: K - 5th Grade

Friendship Class: For our friends with special needs.



We are intentional about providing your children with biblical activities in a safe and fun environment appropriate for each age group.  In the nursery, kids are prayed over and played with.  At the toddler age, we begin introducing relevant and fun Bible lessons.  Kids ages 18mo - Pre-K get one memory verse a month, and our Elementary kiddos learn one verse a week.  We are intentional about teaching the Bible in a relevant and relatable way, so children not only know the stories but they also have a deep understanding of how God wants to work in and through them.


When you enter through Door 2, come to the Kids Town Checkin booth. A smiling volunteer will be ready to greet you, answer all your questions, and check-in your child. Babies and Toddlers can then be taken to their classroom. All other children will go with their parents into the sanctuary and be dismissed after the Children’s Moment.



Your child's safety is very important to us. Each week you check in, you'll receive a randomly assigned number that will be used to pick up your child. All classrooms have at least two volunteers, and every adult volunteer has been screened and background checks are on file. 


PURE Friendship CLASS: Kids with Special Needs

P - Perfectly created by God

U - Uniquely gifted by God

R - Receptive to God's love

E - Eternally God's child

Our Friendship Class engages with Bible stories with the help of a Special Ed. Aide and a buddy.  We do our best to create a fun atmosphere for all children, and to include kids with unique abilities and needs in our ministry.  We currently have a classroom designated specifically for the needs of our Friendship Class.  Kids engage in worship along with the rest of the K-5th graders, then break away for their own lesson activities (which align with what the preschool and elementary kids are learning).  We do our best to appeal to different learning styles every week.  They can choose to engage in as many or as few as they want to, based on their particular needs.  It's a great environment for kids to learn at their own pace.