Finding JESUS


We become a Christian by faith in Jesus Christ. We must believe that He has once and for all time offered the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. We need a new relationship with God, which gives us a new life, and this is made possible by Jesus alone. Some people call this relationship “getting saved.” Others call it “being born again,” “becoming a Christian,” “being converted.” The term we use is not important, but the experience is essential. Jesus reaches out to us, and we must respond  by faith to Him, or we cannot honestly bear His Name.


The Scripture


The Bible is the inspired Word of God and the basis of all we believe. We want God’s Word to be the standard and authority for all we do. We recognize that not everyone’s interpretation of the Bible will agree on every point. There will be differences with Christians from other churches and inside our own. When this happens, we subscribe to this ancient expression of wisdom: In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity.


The Sacraments


At Light and Life, we observe two Sacraments. We celebrate Communion on roughly a monthly basis. In taking the cup and the bread, we remember that Jesus shed His  blood for us and gave His body to be broken for us. We remember that we are forgiven sinners. We celebrate Baptisms four times per year, and in those celebrations, we proclaim to the world around us that we are new creatures in Christ and that we have charted a new path in life with Him.


Following Jesus


There is more to being a Christian than a one-time prayer of faith. That starts the new life, but then there is the day-by-day living in this world as a Christian. We don’t suddenly have the ability to be perfect people, but we have resources that will help us live a life that reflects the holy, loving character of God as revealed in Jesus.